As part of the Department of Anthropology’s core commitment to educate and empower UConn students to become agents of change in our collective struggle for a more just future, we present our anti-racism curriculum for Fall 2020. Our 13 introductory and upper-division undergraduate and one graduate courses focus on or integrate critical components on race, […]
3 Anthropology Students Named 2019 University Scholars
The UConn Department of Anthropology would like to congratulate Luke Anderson, Daniel McCloskey, and Srishti Sadhir on being accepted to the 2019 University Scholars program for undergraduate students at the University of Connecticut. The University Scholar program is a competitive program that allows for undergraduate students to design and build an in-depth study surrounding projects […]
Dr. Deborah Bolnick recognized by the Anthropology section of AAAS
The department of Anthropology at UConn would like to congratulate our very own Dr. Deborah Bolnick for being the 2020 recipient of the Robert W. Sussman Award for Scientific Contributions to the field of Anthropology. The Anthropology section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) established this award to recognize the accomplishments […]
We Celebrate Three Successful PhD Defenses This Spring
UConn Anthropolgy would like to congratulate Dr. Zareen Thomas, Dr. Anne Kohler, and Dr. Joy Ciofi, for successfully defending their respective PhD dissertations this Spring.
Spring 2019 Frontiers in Undergraduate Research
Several of our Anthropology majors and ANTH 3028W students were busy presenting their research at the Spring 2019 Frontiers in Undergraduate Research this weekend.
5 Questions With… Graduating Ph.D Candidate Zareen Thomas!
On April 15th Ph.D candidate Zareen Thomas will defend her thesis entitled ‘Youth Mediators: Hip-Hop, NGOs, and the Politics of Identity in Colombia and Bolivia’.
Ph.D Student Elic Weitzel Featured on UConn Today
Our Ph.D student Elic Weitzel recently published his first article as sole author.
Dr. Cynthia Frank and Ph.D Student Mary Bugbee Awarded for Teaching
Dr. Cynthia Frank and Ph.D Student Mary Bugbee were both honored on this year’s UConn University Teaching Awards, awarded by CETL.
Human Rights After the Peace Accord in Colombia – Seminar on April 12
Join us for a seminar on April 12th, discussing the progress and aftermath of the peace accord that took place in 2016, officially ending the conflict between the Colombian government and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.
Anthropology Summer Courses – Our Offerings
We offer several courses over Summer Sessions 1 & 2. Including W-courses. For a list of the full schedule have a look here. Our W-courses fulfill multiple requirements, and are listed right here. Sign-up begins March 25th. We strongly advice you to sign up early as we have limited seats.