Academic Programs

We offer general education and specialized training in the field of anthropology. Learn more about our programs below.

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A professor meets with a student after class.

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A group of students on a sunny beach holding a UConn flag.

Graduate Admissions

Learn more about deadlines and requirements for our Ph.D. program.

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A student explains their project during a research presentation.

Anthropology Major

Our major covers relevant, insightful topics and pairs well with many fields of study.

Major Requirements

Research Strength. Global Impact.

Our faculty members have research strengths in several areas of study. They are also actively involved in research projects at field sites around the world.

Browse a map of locations where UConn anthropology researchers work across the globe.

News and Events

Department News

  • Graduate Student Spotlight: Elyse Smith
    The UConn Department of Anthropology is home to a diverse community of graduate students studying a variety of subfields. Continue reading to learn more about their favorite parts of their research, why they became interested in anthropology, and fun facts about them! Elyse Smith Program Entrance: 2021 Psychedelics; critical medical anthropology; public health/evidence-based drug policy […]
  • Student Instagram Exhibit: “In-Tension”
    In Dr. Françoise Dussart’s course Anthropological Perspectives on Art, students became curators of their own digital exhibit, “In-Tension.” This online exhibition delves into the complex relationship between tension and intention in the creation, presentation, and interpretation of artworks through an anthropological lens. The 60 second reels created by 19 students-curators explore the contradictions and reflects […]
  • Graduate Student Spotlight: Elena Skosey-Lalonde
    The UConn Department of Anthropology is home to a diverse community of graduate students studying a variety of subfields. Continue reading to learn more about their favorite parts of their research, why they became interested in anthropology, and fun facts about them! Elena Skosey-Lalonde Program Entrance: 2017 Where are you/will you be conducting your research/fieldwork? […]

Upcoming Events

The UConn Department of Anthropology studies the diversity of human experience across time and space.

Our faculty share an interest in the holistic study of humans and a curiosity about the varieties of human experience. Together we offer students valuable insights into the past, contemporary, and future world and the challenges we face today.