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We offer general education and specialized training in the field of anthropology. Learn more about our programs below.
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Anthropology Major
Our major covers relevant, insightful topics and pairs well with many fields of study.
Research Strength. Global Impact.
Our faculty members have research strengths in several areas of study. They are also actively involved in research projects at field sites around the world.
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News and Events
Department News
- The Department of Anthropology’s 2024 John Ryan Memorial LectureHumanizing Human Evolution Research The Department of Anthropology’s 2024 John Ryan Memorial Lecture Monday, September 9, 4 PM. Heritage Room, Homer Babbidge Library Rm. 4118. Light refreshments served. Dr. Kathryn Ranhorn (Arizona State University and the Institute for Human Origins). Discussion moderated by Christian Tryon and Sarah Williams For over a century paleontologists and Paleolithic […]
- In MemoriamThe UConn Department of Anthropology mourns the recent passing of Dr. Pertti “Bert” Pelto. Professor Pelto joined the University of Connecticut in 1969, the year that an independent Department of Anthropology was founded, and retired in 1992, although he remained active well afterwards while living in the Storrs area. He was well-known for his interests […]
- PhD Student Tanner Kovach Awarded an NSF GrantArchaeology PhD student Tanner Kovach was recently awarded a National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant titled Investigating the Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition in the southern Caucasus. Tanner will investigate how technological strategies changed between the Middle Paleolithic and Upper Paleolithic, and what these differences can tell us about cultural transmission between Neanderthals and Homo […]
Upcoming Events
Sep13ECOM Welcome5:30 PM
Oct4ELM2 Conference Day 1ALL DAY
Oct5ELM2 Conference Day 2ALL DAY
Oct6ELM2 Conference Day 39:00 AM
Anthropology in the News
Research that requires skill, finesse, and a whole lot of muscle
The UConn Department of Anthropology studies the diversity of human experience across time and space.
Our faculty share an interest in the holistic study of humans and a curiosity about the varieties of human experience. Together we offer students valuable insights into the past, contemporary, and future world and the challenges we face today.