Eleanor Shoreman Ouimet
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., 2009, Boston University
My research and teaching are focused on human-environment interactions, including community-based conservation, environmental justice, disaster preparedness, energy equity, and climate change. My recent journal publications address environmental justice and disaster preparedness, pedagogical approaches to teaching climate change, the health effects of climate change, anthropological approaches to the study of environmental repair, the influence of anthropocentrism in the social sciences, and facilitating cooperative efforts between social scientists, natural scientists, engineers, and local communities. I am the PI of the DISASTER (Designing Interdisciplinary Science And Strategies To Enhance Resilience) Research team as well as UConn’s Racial Microaggressions Research Team (MRT).
Research Interests
Environmental Anthropology, Environmental Justice, Community-based Conservation, Disaster Preparedness, Energy Equity
Active Courses
- ANTH 5317. Environmental Anthropology
- ANTH/EVST 3340E. Honors Core and Service Learning: Culture and Conservation
- ANTH 1010E. Global Climate Change and Human Society
Past Courses
- ANTH 1000. Peoples and Cultures of the World
- UNIV 1784-009 Honors FYE. People and Place
- ANTH 1000W. Other People’s Worlds
- ANTH 1006. Introduction to Anthropology
- ANTH 3098. Special Topics: Anthropology of Conservation
- ANTH 2000W. Social Anthropology
- ANTH 3026. Peoples and Cultures of North America
- UConn CLEAN EARTH Laboratory
- UConn Environment and Human Interactions Cluster
- UConn Environmental Studies Program
- UConn Engineering and Human Rights
- UConn Sustainable Global Cities Affiliate (SGCA)
- UConn Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering (CESE)
- Royal Anthropological Institute, Anthropology and the Environmental Committee
Shoreman-Ouimet, E.; Kopnina, H. 2016. Culture and Conservation: Beyond Anthropocentrism. London: Routledge
Edited Volumes
Kopnina, H and Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (INVITED eds). 2017. Routledge Handbook of Environmental Anthropology. London: Routledge
Kopnina, H; Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (INVITED eds). 2015. Sustainability: Key Issues. London: Routledge
Kopnina, H; Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (eds). 2013. Environmental Anthropology: Future Directionss. London: Routledge
Kopnina, H; Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (eds). 2011. Environmental Anthropology Today. London: Routledge
In progress
INVITED Shoreman-Ouimet, E. and Kopnina, H (forthcoming). 2nd Edition, Routledge Handbook of Environmental Anthropology. London: Routledge
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
McLeod, A and Shoreman-Ouimet, E. Toward a Decolonial Cuisine: The Entangled Politics of Food Revitalization in Native-led Culinary Organizations, in Nurturing Food Justice, edited by Alison Aikon and Julian Agyeman. MIT Press: Cambridge. (Forthcoming Fall 2023)
In Progress
Shoreman-Ouimet, E. and Walters, A. Any Volunteers? The collision of Climate Change, Conventions of Practice, and Emergency Preparedness in Connecticut. To be submitted to Human Organization May 2023
Smith, A.; Rittenhouse, C; Shoreman-Ouimet, E.; Worthley, T. Barriers and Opportunities for Private Forest Planning in Connecticut, Society and Natural Resources, Submitted January 2023
Shoreman-Ouimet, E. A Place for Ethnography in Interdisciplinary Disaster Science: The urgent need for cultural data to address long-term inequities in disaster response, recovery, and resilience. Submitted to Environmental Justice, Oct. 2022
Smith, A.; Rittenhouse, C; Shoreman-Ouimet, E.; Worthley, T. 2022. Implications for Forest Management Planning in the Northeast: A Systematic Map. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Submitted June 2022
Singer, M., Shoreman-Ouimet, E., Graham, A. (2022) Climate Change and Health: Anthropology and Beyond, in Companion to Medical Anthropology, 2e. Edited by Merrill Singer, Cesar Abadia-Barrera, Pamela Erickson. Wiley
Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (2021). It’s time to (climate) change the way we teach: Addressing anthropogenic climate change in social science classrooms. The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences 14(2): 76-86
Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (2018) “Personal History Ethnography in Environmental Anthropology: A Methodological Case Study.” Journal of Ecological Anthropology 19, no. 1 (2017)
Kopnina, H and Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (2017) Introduction to Environmental Anthropology, in Routledge Handbook of Environmental Anthropology. London: Routledge
Shoreman-Ouimet, E. and Kopnina, H. (2015) Reconciling Ecological and Social Justice to Promote Biodiversity Conservation. Biological Conservation 184(2015): 320-326
Kopnina, H; Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (2015) The Emergence and Development of Sustainability, in Helen Kopnina and Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet, eds., Sustainability: Key Issues London: Routledge
Kopnina, H., Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (2013) Introduction: Environmental Anthropology of Today and Tomorrow, In Environmental Anthropology: Future Trends. Edited by Helen Kopnina and Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet. London: Routledge.
Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (2011) Concessions and Conservation: A study of anti-environmentalism, Journal of Ecological Anthropology, 14(1): 52-66
Shoreman-Ouimet, E. and Kopnina, H. (2011) Introduction: Environmental Anthropology of Yesterday and Today, In Environmental Anthropology Today. Edited by H Kopnina and E Shoreman-Ouimet. London: Routledge
Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (2011) Middle Out Conservation: The Role of Elites in Rural American Conservation. In Environmental Anthropology Today. Edited by H Kopnina and E Shoreman-Ouimet. London: Routledge
Shoreman, E. (2010) Muddy Waters: Water Conservation and Environmental Ethics in the Mississippi Delta. Anthropology News, January 2010
Shoreman, E. and N. Haenn. (2009) Regulation, Collaboration and Conservation: Ecological Anthropology in the Mississippi Delta. Human Ecology
Shoreman, E. (2007) Women, Rice, and Ritual. Sagar. University of Texas, Austin
DeSilva, J., Shoreman, E., Maclatchy, L. (2006) A fossil Pan proximal femur from the Plio-Pleistocene of Southwestern Uganda. Journal of Human Evolution.
Blom, D., Buikstra, J., Keng, L., Tomczak, P., Shoreman, E., and Stevens-Tuttle, D., (2004) Anemia and childhood mortality: Latitudinal patterning along the coast of pre-Columbian Peru. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Smith, Ava; Rittenhouse, C; Shoreman-Ouimet, E.; Worthley, T. 2022. Private Forest Owner Survey Report. A report on forest owner demographics and motivators and barriers towards forest management planning in Connecticut.
Shoreman-Ouimet, E., Heumann, M, Csizmadia, A, Ching, T. 2020. Report on the UConn Racial Microaggressions Survey. Discussion of qualitative results and implications of 2019-2020 IRB-approved survey assessing the experience of racial microaggressions amongst students of color at UConn.
- CETL Teaching Innovation Award (2023-2024)
- UCONN Environmental Leadership Award (ELA) in Environmental Justice (2023)
- Service-Learning Faculty Fellow (2023)
- Career Everywhere Nomination (2023)

eleanor.ouimet@uconn.edu | |
Phone | 860-486-2137 |
Office Location | Beach Hall (BCH) 439 |