Catalina Alvarado-Cañuta


César Abadía-Barrero

Research Interests

Medical Anthropology, Collective Healing, Colonial Wounds and Trauma, Intercultural Health, Indigenous Peoples, Decolonizing Methodologies, Indigenous Art


Catalina Alvarado-Cañuta belongs to the Mapuche people of Chile. She is a social worker and has a Master’s degree in Social Anthropology from the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) in Mexico, where she studied childbirth care for Mapuche women in an intercultural hospital in Mapuche territory. She has worked in public service as a manager of health programs for the indigenous population and as an academic at universities in Chile.

Catalina is currently a Fulbright scholar. In her Ph.D., she studies the healing processes of colonial wounds of indigenous peoples through art.

Catalina Alvarado-Cañuta
Contact Information