
Kelly Ruesta featured on Indie Major!

Kelly Ruesta, an individualized major who has taken multiple Anthropology classes — and who was in the first cohort of the department’s Research Apprenticeship Program (formerly Research MASTER Program), was recently featured in a new podcast called Indie Major! Indie Major is a podcast dedicated to the stories and visions of individualized majors at UConn, […]

Upcoming Event: Anthropology Club Movie Night!

The UConn Anthropology Club will be hosting a movie night this Monday, January 29th at 6pm in Beach 443! We will be watching a documentary Prof. Seraphin has worked on, The Women They Are Carrying Fire – Pa’asik`tavaansas Kuniktáamvunatih. This will be accompanied by a Q&A session at the end of the documentary. All are […]

Medical Anthropology Journal Publication: Sarah Williams

Assisstant Professor Sarah Williams and McGill University’s Kathleen Rice have published a collaborative article titled “Partner Exclusion from Childbirth During COVID-19 in Canada: Implications for Theory and Policy” in the journal Medical Anthropology. This is their third paper from their project examining the impact of COVID-19 mitigation policies in hospitals and perinatal care services on […]

UConn Anthropology Exhibits at the 2023 AAA Meeting!

UConn Prof. César Abadía-Barrero, Prof. Camilo Ruiz, and Prof. Sarah Willen all have exhibits up at the American Anthropological Association’s conference in Toronto this year! Prof. César Abadía-Barrero and Prof. Camilo Ruiz’s exhibit is Casa Común, an art exhibit made up of works from over 50 people impacted by armed conflict in Colombia displaying both […]

Anthropology Journal Publication: Rebecca Kraus

Former UConn undergraduate Rebecca Kraus (BA ’22) published the results of her Senior Honors thesis in Anthropology in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports with Professor Christian Tryon and colleagues from the National Museum of Tanzania and Yale University. The paper is entitled New data from old collections: Obsidian and ostrich eggshell beads from the […]