Graduate Student Spotlight: Katharine Reinhart

The UConn Department of Anthropology is home to a diverse community of graduate students studying a variety of subfields. Continue reading to learn more about their favorite parts of their research, why they became interested in anthropology, and fun facts about them!

Katharine Reinhart

Katharine Reinhart

Program Entrance: 2024

Advisor: Alexia Smith

Research Interests

Archaeobotany/Paleoethnobotany, Macrobotanical Analysis, Anthracology, Colonial English identity in 17th- and 18th-century New England, English-Indigenous Interaction Spheres, Frontier Dynamics, Colonial Diet and Cuisine, Alchemical Medicine, Colonial Botanical Medicine, Ethnohistory and Primary Document Research, Roles of Women as Keepers and Distributors of Plant Knowledge in Colonial Contexts.