Field School in Contact Period Archaeology

Field School flyer

The UConn Anthropology Department and the Office of State Archaeology are excited to announce that we will once again be offering an archaeological field school at the John Hollister Site in Glastonbury, CT. 

The field school will take place in the summer of 2025 and is a 4-week, 4 credit intensive program.

The Hollister Site was occupied between 1651 – 1711 and consists of several English domestic structures that have yielded thousands of seventeenth-century Euro-American and Native artifacts and food remains. The focus of field excavations during the summer of 2025 will be to investigate several of the English domestic structures, identify the military aspects of the site, and delineate the Native occupation.

This field school will include:

  • Training in archaeological field survey and excavation
  • Artifact conservation, cataloguing, identification and analysis of 17th Century Euro-American and Indigenous material culture and analysis of primary sources
  • Battlefield archaeology research and methods training including use of military terrain models, metal detection survey, and GPS/GIS applications
  • Working on a nationally significant collaborative research project
  • Participating in training workshops in laboratory and research methods
  • Ground Penetrating Radar
  • Attending guest lectures by experts in the field
  • Opportunities to obtain employment with local Cultural Resource Management firms who will be seeking field technicians for an anticipated busy field season


Summer Session courses are paid on a per-credit basis at a rate of $756 per credit hour. The four-week program will cost $3,024. In addition, there is a $75 lab fee, payable on the first day of class.

Application and Registration:

All students must fill out an application in order to be considered for the field school and receive a permission number so that they can register. Contact Dr. Kevin McBride ( via e-mail for an application and more information on the field school. For information on the registration process, go to the summer session website.

Housing: University housing and meal plans are available, as well as some other options. Contact ResLife at 860-486-2926 for a summer housing application.